Crazy Story About A Three-Carat Engagement Ring!
Vicky K
I heard about this story and had to share it. A few weeks ago, Racquel Cloutier of Laguna Niguel, California was giving birth to her fourth child at the hospital. While she was recovering, her husband, Eric, decided to clear the clutter in the house by having a garage sale. Eric and the kids sold a ton of items they no longer needed, including an empty watch box of his for $10. Little did he know that what he thought was his old empty watch box was the secret hiding spot for Racquel to keep her $23,000 diamond wedding ring away from her toddlers. When Racquel came home with their newborn baby she immediately went into the closet to grab her ring. The box was missing and when her husband explained that the box was sold she started to cry. She was determined to find the ring and went to the local news with the story. The value of the ring and the craziness of the story made headlines. Within a few days the story reached the new owners of the box who had found the ring and were sure it was not real. The 3-carat diamond ring was infact quite real and is happily on Racquel's finger again.