Our customer, John, recently emailed us that he had proposed to Emily, his now fiancé, who replied, "Yes!" We worked with John on a custom three-stone diamond engagement ring. It was a pleasure to work with him and a treat to get the following engagement story...

"We began our relationship together on January 11th 2013. After this past Christmas break, we were planning on having a special date to recognize being together for one year. I made arrangements to have dinner at our friends' house where we actually had our first date almost a year ago. I did not initially tell her the details of what we would be doing but everyday I gave her a clue concerning where we would be going, with whom we would be, and what we would be doing. As soon as Emily returned, it was clear that she knew what was about to happen. I briefly recounted the changes in our relationship as I placed the ring I had custom-created at Malka Diamonds on her finger.

I got down on one knee and said, "Emily, will you marry me?" and she said, "Yes!" and quietly exclaimed. "We're going to get married!"
Thank you John for sharing your story and photos with Malka Diamonds & Jewelry. We are honored to be part of this amazing time in your lives. We are looking forward to meeting Emily soon.