There is a special place in all of our Oregonian hearts for our beloved Timbers. They have brought soccer to Portland and we all agree that Portland has not been the same since! So, of course, when Pablo Moreira, one of the coaches for the Timbers came into Malka

Diamonds & Jewelry, we were clearly excited. David and Pablo hit it off right away and by the time Pablo returned he came bearing gifts, a Timbers shirt for his new jeweler. The two guys worked together for many hours discussing Pablo's future fiance's ring. The stone was a 4.0 carat which was set in a custom-made rose gold
diamond solitaire. Although Pablo traveled quiet a bit during this process, David and him texted and even face timed each step. When Pablo came into pick up the final piece he was thrilled. He was so happy that he ended up hugging David at least a handful of times. The proposal story was over the top. Pablo coordinated with the Nines Hotel to have white rose petals lead his future fiance up to the second floor. He then hired the team photographer to capture the moment. As soon as his future fiancé reached the empty white chair and sat down, the photographer started snapping pictures. Pablo entered the room shortly after and got down on one knee in front of her and proposed. After the amazing proposal, the new engaged couple was greated by a crowd of their closes friends and family in a near by space. The night became their engagment party and they were both glowing and smiling from ear to ear. Congratulations to you both! Malka Diamonds is honored to be part of such a beautiful moment! Photos are by Wedding Photographer Craig Mitchelldyer, 503.513.0550