One of the many bonuses of being in our line of work for over 10 years, is that we are gifted with watching families form and grow. We truly enjoy hearing how they are doing and what they are up to.
We were so excited when Allie and Mike reached out recently. Allie sent over their story along with stunning photos of the last 9 years. Here is a little about how they met, the wedding and the many exciting years following. Thank you for sharing Allie + Mike!
“We met at a Phish concert, he was coming to visit his best friends which happened to be two of my best friends and we were all heading to the Gorge to see Phish for 3 days. From the moment we met, it was electric and it was clear we just wanted to be around each other. After dating long distance between Colorado and Portland, Mike moved to Portland and we have been together ever since.
The night before our wedding my bridesmaids lied to me and left everything for the wedding in their car during the rehearsal dinner, including the wedding rings.
Everything was stolen except for my dress (thank god) Mike called David and left a message I think at 2am and David opened the shop and re-made my ring so that we had it for our wedding that day and Mike borrowed a temporary ring.
It was an incredibly sad and stressful event but we put on our best faces and we were determined to get married one way or another. Today we have been married 4 1/2 years and have 2 boys, Charlie 3 1/2 and Xander 11 months.” - Allie